Howdy, partner!

Howdy, partner!

Welcome to the world of Bow-dana, where cowboy trends meet the wild west of pet fashion. From small to large, BOW-DANA...

PAW sessions .....

PAW sessions .....

So we here at Bootzy Couture are doing beauty shots in our studio in Los Angeles ... If you feel...



We love all breeds and animals .... Because we are not size queens we now have crystal sliders even for...

The Cat's meow .....

The Cat's meow .....

PI gives infinite Valentines love in his Red Royal Neck .... He’s the PURRfect equation to melt your heart View...

Hi it's me Bootzy

Hi it's me Bootzy

I want to start off by saying this is my first 'DOGUE' post, so thank you for tuning in. Bootzy...

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